Android Mobile Monitoring Applications
Android Mobile Monitoring Applications

The cell phone has become an essential presence in most people’s lives. Life without a device is almost unimaginable as you conduct business, keep in touch with friends and family and use social networking sites in a big way. The cell phone has replaced devices like pagers, laptops, and desktop computers for a bigger part of everyday transactions.

One such smart device is an Android mobile phone, which allows the user to do so many things besides telephone calls. With the increased use of an Android phone, you may also face increased risk. Loss of the device, unauthorized use of passwords and confidential information stored on the device, and other risks are very real. Therefore, Android mobile monitoring applications to safeguard one’s information and interests are very important.

The top 5 benefits of Android mobile monitoring applications:

Locating lost devices

Your Android mobile can get lost or stolen at any time. With the GPS tracking feature, you can locate the device immediately after realizing it has left your possession. This application also finds its use because it lets you track an employee’s movements.

Controlling the internet usage of the phone

An Android mobile is great for surfing the internet, but when it has been given to children or employees, it is necessary to keep an eye on the sites they are visiting and surfing. Illegal sites or virus-ridden sites are dangerous for the network of the company. With a monitoring application, you can keep track of surfing habits and check the same.

Recording and monitoring conversations

Abuse or misuse of phone privileges is a very real problem. Take the example of an employee. Office time should be spent on productive work, but instead, if the employee is spending it on making and receiving telephone calls from friends, then this will be recorded by the mobile monitoring app. Suitable steps can then be taken to curb this behavior.

Checking the content of video calls and messages

Video calls are also a useful feature of Android mobiles. To ensure no privacy violations, you can install a monitoring application on the phone and check on the video calls and MMS messages being sent and received on the phone. Sexting, cyberbullying, and threatening messages are very dangerous to the user, especially if the user is a child. This is a hugely beneficial application that will help protect your child.


Ethical ramifications aside, sometimes it becomes necessary to use an Android phone to spy on the user. The monitoring application will help detect communication policy violations and phone usage. It can help keep track of cheating partners. It can even help record phone calls and listen in on conversations happening in another location. With the touch of a button, you can turn on the hidden microphone which will work silently in the background and help you monitor the conversations in that particular location.

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