Protect Your Phone With The Best Antivirus
Protect Your Phone With The Best Antivirus

When you buy an electronic gadget, probably the first thing that anyone will tell you is to install a strong anti-virus software, to avoid any data loss or system crash. Many of us do dismiss this statement until we fall victim to the virus that could have crept in from one of the thousand websites we visit every day.

This article mainly focuses on anti-viruses for phones, so stick around if you have an android filled to the brim with cool games and apps. Not many know this, but downloading too many apps can reduce the productivity of your phone. And it’s through these apps that viruses and cookies and malwares find their way into your phone’s OS. Even though Google Play ensures that the apps are virus free, one can never be too sure. Don’t get worked up, there is a solution for this. You can continue to enjoy the features of your android, provided you have anti-virus. To help you make a decision, a few good ones are listed below. They aren’t ranked in any particular order; just listed numerically to ease your perusal.

1. AVG Free Antivirus:

AVG is well regarded whether it comes to PC’s or mobiles. When installed in your android, AVG not only scans any new files on your phone (through friends, Google Play or Internet), it also conducts system scans to ensure the OS remains virus free and functions efficiently. You can either schedule the scan at a particular time of the day, or manually give the command, as and when you please. AVG is undoubtedly the best thing that can happen to your phone.

2. Lookout Mobile Security & Antivirus:

Lookout Mobile Security & Antivirus comes with features like never seen before. Any and every virus is sought out and erased from the OS. Its real-time scanning feature makes it a popular anti-virus among users. After installation, it will remove any existing virus and keep all future viruses at bay. In case you’re looking for that extra something in your anti-virus, Lookout is the way to go.

3. Avast! Mobile Security:

Possibly one of the most commonly used anti-viruses, Avast! has a long standing reputation of detecting viruses with the wailing crescendo of an ambulance. This particular feature, thankfully (or not), has not been included in the mobile version of Avast! Any avid PC user won’t think twice before installing Avast! Mobile Security.

4. McAfee Antivirus:

For those who have McAfee on your PC, the mobile version available on Google Play doesn’t differ much. The only extra benefit McAfee affords to its users is the restore and backup function. If your computer can have a backup and restore function, why shouldn’t your phone have it?

5. Bitdefender Mobile Security & Antivirus:

Last year, this was rated as the best anti-virus for computers. The android version too is said to be a match to it’s the PC version. The best thing about this app is that it doesn’t take too much of the phone’s memory, so your phone won’t suffer any performance problems due to the size of the file.

6. Kaspersky Mobile Security:

Unlike the above mentioned anti-viruses which are free, Kaspersky is a paid for app. And you’re assured to have your money’s worth if you decide to download it. Among the standard features, Kaspersky has Spam SMS and Web Protection among a few others. This anti-virus doesn’t need much of a description since its reputation precedes it.

Whichever one you choose to download, remember that it’s important you have one. Which one really doesn’t matter, since all of them perform the same function give or take a few features. If you haven’t already, download now.

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