So why use the cloud?
So why use the cloud?

So here we are, now eight years into the cloud revolution. The technology is proven, and millions of businesses across the globe as using the technology. Yet out there in the world of business, there is still a hardcore of firms that see the cloud as nothing more than a buzzword or marketing ploy.

It is like seeing the telephone as no more exciting tool than somebody with a booming voice. And it’s holding businesses back. In truth, the cloud is a game changer for businesses. Now that the technology is maturing, we’re beginning to see what the end game is about. The cloud is a near-zero marginal cost user platform that allows employees to collaborate without being physically close. And what’s more, they can use tools in the cloud to work far more efficiently than if they were sharing an office.

So why use the cloud?

Lower Costs

Just think briefly about how much your company spends dealing with IT issues. I guess that it’s a lot. Every time one of your computers breaks down, employees lose productivity, and your business flounders. Plus, you have to pay to maintain the staff who do the repairs. It’s all a big overhead and a big headache.

There is, however, another way. With the cloud, you don’t have to maintain your servers. All you need are devices that can connect to the cloud. Things like PCs, tablets, and smartphones. Once you’ve got that, the cloud company takes care of the rest. They are responsible for ensuring that their systems are working properly, not yours.

Accessible From Anywhere

Most businesses aren’t exclusively office based. Big cloud service providers, like DOMA Technologies, recognize this. One of the big draws of cloud computing is that it can be used anywhere.

Suppose employees are out in the field; no problem. Just hook them up to the same software on their mobile devices used in the office and go from there. The office can act as a central hub, updating work orders and invoices through mobile devices. But there’s no need for centralized consolidation after the fact. There’s nothing to stop field employees from updating their schedules and payment orders.


We live in a world of “on-demand” business products. And business IT is no different. Remember, companies want to keep their costs as low as possible. So they don’t want to maintain expensive server space if they don’t need to.

That’s why so many firms are choosing to use the cloud. The cloud allows them to scale their service users as they scale their business. In addition, it’s the most efficient business model because they only use the needed resources.

What’s more, cloud services tend to be a lot more versatile than legacy software solutions. New updates are far easier to navigate since the system is on the supplier side, not your side. Regular updates, often for free, improve functionality without destroying productivity.

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